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Adficio: With this spell you can physically drain you opponent from its energy.
Infirmio: Makes your opponent ill.
Chronic Infirmio: Infect your opponent with a sickness. Long-term spell.
Constringo: Bind your opponent together with ropes (shot from your wand).
Freezio: Makes your opponent stand completely still.
Clumsio: Makes your opponent trip.
Collapsio: Makes you opponent faint.
Hamstringo: To cripple. Makes the opponent not be able to use one leg. When preforms again, the curse switches to the other leg.
Slappio: This spell slaps your opponent with an invisible hand.
Punchio: This spell beats your opponent with an invisible fist.
Affligo: Knocks you opponent out of the way.
Depulso: Push something of someone out of the way.
Scabiola: Makes the skin of your opponent itch.
Tremo: Make somebody's body shake.
Inflatus: Makes your opponent swell up.
Lacerato: Tear someonein pieces (requires strong intent).
Damno: Makes you opponent feel pain.
Excrucio: Makes your opponent feel excruciating pain.
Obruo: Makes soil appear in your opponent's mouth and nose.
Praefoco: Makes your opponent choke. Your opponent can't breathe, because an invisible force blocks the trachea.
Scelero: Makes blood appear in your opponent's mouth and nose.
Suffoco: Makes your opponent suffocate. Removes all the oxygen around your opponent.
Claudeo: Makes the bones in the opponent go soft.
Conteram ossa: Break the bones of your opponent. The bone that breaks is based on the wand pointing.
Extorqueo: Dislocate the joints of your opponent.
Carvio: With this spell you can create wounds on your opponent. The spot where the wound is created is based on the wand pointing.
Noceo: Inflict injury.
Mutilatio: Stab your opponent. The position of the stabs is created based on the wand pointing.
Terebro: Bore a hole through your opponent.
Inflammo: Set your opponent on fire.
Morior: To kill someone.
Evaporo: To vanish. Your opponent will just disappear into nothing.
Decapito: Decapitate your opponent.
Bullo protegus: Conjure a protective shield around yourself.
Defendio: Protect yourself against a physical injury.
Repugno: Resist an attacking spell.
Decursio: Escape a curse when it holds you captive.
Liberatio: Release yourself from a binding spell.
Obscurio: Hide yourself from your opponent.
Deflecto: Reflect an attacking spell back to your offender.
Impetus lente: To attack slow. Makes the attacking spells of your opponent go slower. This way you have time to conjure a proper counter spell.
Mutio: Make someone shut up (no talking).
Silentio: Make someone be silent (no sound).
Chantio: Make someone sing.
Humoro: Make someone laugh.
Sobbio: Make someone cry.
Clamo: Make someone shout.
Combibo: Make someone drink something.
Trimpudio: Make someone jump.
Consurgo: Make someone stand up.
Reclinio: Make someone lie down.
Snoozio: Make someone fall asleep.
Essum: Make someone eat something.
Erubesco: Make someone blush.
Queritor: Make someone complain.
Desipio: Make someone act foolish.
Dissimulo: Make someone ignore you.
Nescio: Make someone not notice something.
Inservio: Make someone do your bidding/ be your slave.
Imitor: Make someone imitate somebody else.
Itero: Make someone repeat everything they say.
Itero... (Name of person): Make someone repeat everything the called upon person is saying.
Itero omnia: Make someone repeat everything they hear.
Compatior: Make someone feel somebody their pain as well.
Contemno: Make someone feel hatred to someone else (As long as the spellcaster is pointing at them).
Constristo: Make someone feel sad.
Conturbo: Make someone feel confused.
Despero: Make someone feel like all hope is lost.
Dubito: Make someone doubt about everything.
Esurio: Make someone feel hungry.
Exhilaro: Make someone feel cheerful.
Invideo: Make someone feel jealousy.
Irascor: Make someone feel anger.
Lasesco: Make someone feel tired.
Miro: Make someone be lost in thoughts.
Pertimesco: Make someone feel afraid.
Agnosco: Make someone remember something that has been forgotten by a spell.
Recognosco: Make someone recognize someone that has been forgotten by a spell.
Regardo...(Object or person): Make someone give their attention to the object or person you call upon.
Amorio: Make someone feel attraction to someone else. (As long as the spellcaster is pointing at them).
Dehydro: Make someone feel thirsty.
Somnio: Make someone dream something you want them to dream.
Terreo: Make someone feel terrified.
Vomito: Make someone feel they must throw up.
Violento: Make someone wanting to start a fight.
Libero: Release somebody of mind magic hex they were in.
Compresso: Compress a wound.
Purgo: Makes a wound clean and sterile.
Medicor: Heal a wound.
Suturio: Stitch flesh together.
Fascia: Wrap something in bandages.
Os emendo: Mend broken bone.
Frendo Sano: Heals bruises.
Subvenio : Relieve someone from the pain.
Rememdium: Cures sicknesses.
Febrem abierunt: Makes someone's fever go away.
Validus: Let someone gain some of your strength.
Cognosco: Examine someone.
Amplio: increase the size of an object.
Minuo: Decrease the size of an object.
Fittio: Let an object change it appearance to fit inside something.
Mollio: Makes something soft and pliable.
Amputo: To cut something off.
Lacerato: Tear something in pieces (when cast with intense intent, can also be used as an offensive spell against an enemy).
Consewo: Sew things together.
Conserve: Let's the object you conjured this on, be conserved for eternity.
Sanguiso: Cover something in blood.
Simmerio: Boil something.
Dampio: Makes something wet.
Venos: Poison something.
Puteo: Makes something smell bad.
Exposio: Reveals something that is hidden.
Concealo: Makes something transparent and undetectable for others.